ROMANCE WAS MUCH simpler in your younger days. And there were reasons why:
1. You shifted in the grimmest places imaginable
The alley behind the local library, outside the swimming pool, on a park bench.
All the good places had people around, so this is what you were stuck with.
2. You texted each other when in the same classroom but never actually made eye contact or spoke a word to them
This could also involve the passing of actual handwritten notes.
The true glory of this flirting technique was the outright refusal to deal with each other in real life until some Friday night by the river.
3. You shared earphones when walking to school
You were so as one. You could listen to the same Green Day song together. True love.
4. You went on dates with groups of friends, and the only time you were ever alone with the other person was when you were shifting
The conversation was kept to a minimum.
5. And then you ended up shifting nearly everyone in your group of friends by the end of your school career
After the Leaving it was more like who hadn’t you shifted out of all your mates. The drama.
6. You wrote how much you loved them all over your pencil case
And had to scrape it all off when you broke up a week later.
7. Girls wore the lad’s ratty hoodie with extreme pride
8. You argued with your parents over how late you were allowed to stay at their house
9. You definitely burned them a mixed CD of questionable tunes
And they ALWAYS pretended to like it, no matter what shite you put on there.
10. You would completely over analyse every single interaction with a potential shift
“What do you think he means with this one word text?”
11. The process of trying to get your mate the shift would be a constant, never ending concern
Careering around the place like your friend’s very own secondary school pimp.
“Will you shift my mate?”
It was pure romance and it was wonderful.