LAST WEEK, TV3′S Deric Hartigan suffered a mishap on live television when inclement weather caused his umbrella to turn inside out and blow him away.
It was quite the Mary Poppins moment.
Ah, we’ve all been there.
The moment quickly went viral in Ireland, but now it looks as though Hartigan is picking up attention from the rest of the world.
International publications like Cosmopolitan, US Weekly, People, Metro, Associated Press and E! have all picked up the story. (Cosmopolitan even called Hartigan “adorable”.)
This was how E! reported the incident.
Friday’s forecast in Ireland was rainy with a chance of LOL.
Easy for you to say, guys. You’re not the one who got drenched on the way into work.
Even Good Morning America has picked up on it, much to Hartigan’s delight.
Talk about hitting the big time, eh?