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Des Bishop sings Come Out Ye Black and Tans on Chinese TV

Bishop gave a rousing rendition of the song on a dating show.

COMEDIAN DES BISHOP spent a year in China learning how to speak Mandarin for a new RTÉ show, but did you know he made an appearance on a dating show while he was there?

Bishop popped up on ‘One out of 100′ or ‘Cream of The Crop’, a popular matchmaking series that sounds rather similar to Take Me Out.

Source: YouTube

In the latest episode Des attempted to woo a whole host of lovely girls with his language skills, delivering what we can only assume were some seriously funny lines.

However, it was his singing that really made an impression on the ladies, who really seemed to love his take on Irish classic Come Out Ye Black and Tans.

Catch all the action here from around the 23 minute mark.

Source: 百里挑一 BaiLiTiaoYi | 东方卫视/YouTube

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