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Des Cahill's cape-swishing stole the show on Dancing With The Stars last night


THREE WEEKS IN, and watching Irish celebrities try to quickstep on RTÉ’s Dancing With The Stars remains very entertaining.

This week, sports commentator Des Cahill was challenged to do the Paso Doble with his partner Karen Byrne, and they walked away with a respectable 18 points.

Dancing Dessie may not have been the most skilled on the floor last night, but who cared? He had a CAPE.

And his dancing mainly comprised of walking with purpose and swishing the cape around dramatically:

descahill Source: YouTube

des cahill Source: YouTube

It appeared to impress though, as Des and Karen received a huge standing ovation from the audience.

Source: Dancing With The Stars Ireland/YouTube

The performance was also very warmly received by the viewers at home, eliciting cries of “YAAAASSSSS!” and “WORK THAT CAPE!”

Bet you never thought you’d hear people saying “YAAASSSS!” in reference to Des Cahill.

One viewer thought the costume looked very familiar:

Unfortunately, Des’ cape-swinging came at a price, as the entertaining Hughie Maughan became the first contestant to be eliminated. And just as he was learning to do his tan, too.

We can’t wait to see what Ed Balls – sorry, we mean Des Cahill – brings us next week. Let’s hope he keeps the cape.

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Previously: Hughie Maughan’s disastrous fake tan was all anyone could talk about on Dancing With The Stars>

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