A DREAM ALIGNMENT for numerologists has come true in the delivery room of a Des Moines, Iowa hospital.
The Des Moines Register reports that Laila Fitzgerald weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces when she was born.
She came into the world last Thursday, which, numerically speaking (in US terms anyway) was 10/11/12. She arrived, militarily speaking, at 1314, which would be 1:14 p.m. for civilians.
So the numbers associated with her birth are 8-9-10-11-12-13-14.
Laila’s mother, 26-year-old Katie Deremiah, of Des Moines, says she had a feeling Thursday would be the day, even though the due date was 19 October.
Laila’s father, 26-year-old Ryan Fitzgerald, told The Register that he would buy a lottery ticket as soon as he left the hospital.