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Gals are taking the piss out of mad makeup trends with the help of 'd*ckliner'

So creative! So NSFW!

2016 HAS BEEN a banner year for makeup artistry. But at this stage, there’s been so many new trends that it’s getting kinda hard to keep up.

This girl has come up with an antidote to the increasingly crazy looks – dickliner!

CxlGZk8UoAE1MGo Source: Twitter/@asialbx

Dickliner was invented by Twitter user Asia, and it’s been going viral ever since she tweeted about it last week:

dickliner Source: Twitter/@asialbx

Other girls were so inspired by Asia’s look, they immediately set about creating their own versions. Here’s a simple, everyday take on it:

CxmUevqUcAAII2t Source: Twitter/@babyyy_T

These gals added some glitter to take it up a notch – a great look for your office Christmas party, no?

CxmQr6DUkAAb1qh Source: Twitter/@jasmin_c_

Cxqo3bcUQAAnaO9 Source: Twitter/@dunemethanee

It also looks great with a smokey eye:

CxuadD1W8AAduHu Source: Twitter/@motelbaby

And this lady even incorporated ‘sperm’ eyebrows. Fab!

Some people are incredibly confused by the whole thing, though. Poor mites.

Asia told Buzzfeed that she came up with the ‘dickliner’ as a joke about the creative eyeshadow looks you see on Instagram – but she has the ultimate respect for makeup artists:

I think they’re all amazingly talented! My dickliner will never compare.

Dunno Asia, we reckon dickliner is the hot new trend for 2017. Watch this space.

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