1. A spit away
Translation: it’s actually pretty far but we’re trying to play the distance down to make it sound closer.
2. Two parishes over
Tourist: “Please, kilometres will do.”
3. Down the way
4. A country mile
Response: “I will accept the directions in regular miles as well.”
5. Beyont
Translation: Undefined area in another direction, but a very specific distance away.
6. Past the gap
You’ll know it when you see it. “From here to the gap” is a definitive distance that should be understood by all.
7. As wide as a gate
A standard gate, as defined by physics.
8. Just a shtone’s throw away
Tourist: “Again, I will accept miles because I’m walking it.”
9. Only around the corner
Taking that distance at face value is a recipe for disaster.
They’re poor crayturs if they’re overhearing any these directions, really.