WELL, FEBRUARY HAS come and gone and it’s finally March.
If you haven’t gotten around to those New Year’s Resolutions yet, you might as well forget about them and try something new. We’re almost a quarter of the way through the year.
Over in the United States, many people will be starting March off with the ‘National Day of Unplugging‘, an event that takes place on the first day of March each year, in which people aim to take a day out of the week to relax, go outdoors or give their loved ones their full undivided attention for a whole 24 hours.
At this stage we all know about the benefits of unplugging and getting away from screens for a while, because it has been preached to us for years that we sleep better and appreciate each other’s company more without our phones. We’re all guilty of ignoring all of that advice, for a variety of reasons, but usually it’s just FOMO.
While it’s National Day of Unplugging in America, it’s just a regular old day in Ireland. It’s unlikely that anybody in Ireland is participating in the American event, but it’s something worth considering as the month goes on. You’d be very surprised at how much longer your day is (and how much more you can get done, as a result) when you forget about your phone from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed.