CARRICK-ON-SHANNON is to have a St Patrick’s Day parade of an unusual kind this year – a parade on water. Not only is the town getting two parades but they also have their own answer to David Blaine.
Local businessman, Gerry McCormack (pictured below), who is raising money for Haiti, has suspended himself 180 ft above the River Shannon, in a glass box. He is fasting for the duration of his stunt and will stay in the box for 48 hours until Sunday afternoon. In 2011 Gerry Mc Cormack visited Haiti to help out with building projects.
Speaking to the TheJournal.ie, a spokesperson from the Chamber said the parade by river is “just something different that should bring more people out as will the man in the box”.
Carrick Chamber was approached to help with the project and were pleased to support such a good cause. “We’re delighted that Gerry will have the best seat in the house,” said the Chamber’s spokesperson.
David Blaine who stayed in glass box over London in 2003
(SANG TAN/AP/Press Association Images)
The River Shannon boating parade which begins immediately after the land parade will have cruisers, fishing boats, ribs, speed boats and jet skies and even St Patrick will appear as a figure head on one of the vessels. Some of the boats will also have musicians.
The chamber’s spokesperson added that no one can drive through the town without noticing Gerry hoisted up over the town. “He is suspended over the water so the boating parade will be coming in straight under him,” she said.
Gerry McCormack- Carrick’s answer to David Blaine
(Via Carrick on Shannon Chamber)
People are encouraged to come along to both parades and to show their support to all that are taking part, especially to McCormack. The Chamber said it’s guaranteed to be a great event.
To see Gerry on the webcam visit www.mycarrick.ie