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14 thoughts everyone has about gym guilt

“I’m going next month though.”

PROMISES WERE MADE to be broken, and this is particularly true when it comes to the gym.

It’s the promised land. Some of us just won’t make it, and this is the thought process we all go through:

1. Every single person in the country appears to make it for a daily workout

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Congrats, guys.

2. I’m definitely going to join next month

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Said every month for the last three years.

3. Those costs might be a little steep though

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Your exercise budget currently stands at €0. You’re not sure if there is room for an increase.

4. Maybe I should start running in the mornings instead

After all, I don’t need the gym – I have the freedom of the road, the fields, the beaches…

But then the morning comes and:

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5. OK, so maybe the evenings might be better

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So cold and so dark though.

6. Walking to work could be a workaround to get more active

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7. But then the car or the bus is way more cosy

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You know what will happen.

8. Even if I do start going to the gym, I’ll be so out of shape it’ll be embarrassing

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I wouldn’t even know how to use the machines any more.

9. The proper gym people will laugh at me

at-the-gym-and-the-guy-next-to-me-is-lifting-more-than-me-Terry-Crews-Balls-of-Fury Source: Reactiongifs

Look at them there in actual workout gear and confidently moving around weights and stuff. I don’t have that expertise.

10. Maybe if I sign up for the gym it will force me to go

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This logic didn’t work out a few years ago, and it probably won’t now.

11. Getting a friend to join with me means I’ll definitely go

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12. Until I make it there, I’ll just start eating really healthy

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It’s not really the same, but it kind of still counts.

13. It would be wrong to go mid-month, better wait for the 1st of the month

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14. Maybe I should just forget about the gym

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I’ll take up a sport instead. The gym just isn’t for me.

More This guy eating pizza at the gym is your spiritual soulmate>

More Dad and baby daughter create the cutest ‘workout video’ around>

About the author:

David Elkin

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