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Is the Domino's Pizza Tracker legit or is it just set to a timer?

An important investigation.

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WHO AMONG US hasn’t stared forlornly at the Domino’s Pizza Tracker on a godforsaken Sunday and thanked the powers that be for this sophisticated technology that tells us where our pizza is?

A baby monitor for pizzas, if you will.




There’s nothing like it to give you a flutter in your heart and a pep in your step.


But is it entirely accurate or is it simply set to a timer?

Last week, a Redditor posed this exact question to the Reddit Ireland community.

domino Source: Reddit

It’s a question that has plagued pizza lovers over the years.

Some have declared it to be an urban myth.

While Domino’s insists that it’s legit.

A 2014 Huffington Post article asserted that it was real, but pointed out that stores sometimes gamed the system to make it look as though “it’s running more efficiently than it really is”.

The tracker is legit — but only as legit as the people in the store let it be. The fact is, there are a lot of factors that happen in a store that the tracker can’t always account for, and so your mileage may vary with the online tracker for those reasons.

We contacted Domino’s Pizza and asked if it was in fact real or whether it was just set to a timer.

Abbey Everett, a spokesperson for Domino’s, said:

We know that our customers depend on the Domino’s Pizza Tracker for reassurance as they (im)patiently wait on their pizza. We are happy to confirm that the information on the Tracker is specific to each order as the pizza is being freshly handmade and delivered.
The Prep stage gets the dough rolling as soon as the order is placed (unless the order is scheduled for later on). The Baking stage begins as all items are placed in the oven, and next is Quality Control.
Finally, the order is flagged as Out for Delivery when it is picked up by the driver, who uses a tracking system to measure the distance from store to door.

So now. Straight from the horse’s mouth.

All hail the pizza tracker.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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