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15 people who took #GoldenShowersGate and ran with it

The new #PigGate.

Trump Source: Evan Vucci

LAST NIGHT, BUZZFEED published an unverifiable dossier about incoming President-Elect Donald Trump that contained “explosive” allegations about Trump’s dealings with Russia.

The dossier alleges, among other things, that Trump once hired “a number of prostitutes to perform a ‘golden showers’ (urination) show in front of him” in a bed that the Obamas once slept in.

So far, Donald Trump hasn’t addressed the allegations, opting instead to issue a tweet late last night accusing the media of embarking on a “total political witch hunt” against him.

While the claims remain unsubstantiated and unverified, #GoldenShowers is now one of the top trending topics on Twitter.

What a time to be alive, eh?

shg Source: Twitter

Like #PigGate before it, people just can’t resist making gags about the fiasco.

Here are some of the best.

1. Oh, we see what you did there…

2. JOE!

Tweet by @Oliver Willis Source: Oliver Willis/Twitter

3. It all makes sense now *strokes chin*

4. *applause*

5. So many pee puns.

6. This all goes to show that you don’t mess with Meryl Streep

She’ll getcha.

7. *fire emoj*

8. *snigger*

9. *more sniggering*

10. AY-O!

11. :(

12. Don’t answer, Donald. Please.

13. “Wee, the peeple of the United States in order to form a more perfect union…”

14. One moment, please. I’m just going to relieve myself.

15. Finally, here’s Alec Baldwin’s take on it…

We wonder what SNL will be like this weekend, eh?

2017, eh? Already giving 2016 a run for its money.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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