Dublin: 12 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

Donald Trump hosted a Twitter Q&A and it was completely taken over by trolls

One hashtag. So much gold.


They’re a recipe for disaster at the best of times.

But when you’re Donald Trump? You better duck for cover.

Earlier today, the presidential candidate announced that he would be answering questions on Twitter and invited his followers to submit questions via the #AskTrump hashtag.

And it instantly became the top trending topic worldwide.

Sure, there were some questions related to, you know, policy and stuff.

But for the most part, people opted to ask questions like…


People had questions about his heritage.

They asked him to weigh in on important pop culture matters

Some used the hashtag as an opportunity to look back on their fondest Trump memories

He was asked what he meant by the phrase, “Make America Great Again”

People wanted to know how they could play their part in the electoral process

Obviously his hair became a topic of conversation.

And nobody mentioned #piggate — just kidding!

In the end, though, Trump didn’t answer or acknowledge any of these questions.

Instead, he opted to answer questions like “What is the key to success in business?” and “What can we do to help you win?”

Still, though.

We all had a good time and that’s all that matters.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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