Dublin: 7 °C Friday 14 March, 2025

Entire Donegal GAA team hops off bus, helps local man foot his turf

Go on the lads!

THE LADS OF Donegal GAA team Naomh Columba were on their way back from a game in Galway when they spotted a local man out footing his turf by the road.

So they hopped right off the team bus and helped him as they passed the field. Here they are hard at work:

Source: Rosie O'Gara via Official Donegal GAA

After the team’s game at the Comórtas Peile na Gaeltachta in Moycullen, they went for a dip in the sea in nearby Spiddal. It was on the way back from the beach that they spotted the guy hard at work and decided to lend a hand:

Up to 30 people, including management and backroom team, pitched in until all the turf was turned.

According to Donegal GAA, a two-day job was completed in just 20 minutes.

Source: Rosie O'Gara via Official Donegal GAA

We’re guessing the turfcutter, known only as ‘Tomás’, was delighted with the hand.

However, it’s not known how neighbouring Donegal team Kilcar – who won the Comórtas Peile na Gaeltachta – might feel about their local rivals stealing the limelight.

Photos by Rosie O’Gara, via Donegal GAA. Visit their Facebook here or their official website here.

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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