Dublin: 7 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

Today is 'Don't Be a Dick Day'!

Are you being a dick? Stop it!

Image: dontbeadickday.com

IF YOU ARE a fan of Star Trek, the name Wil Wheaton will need no explanation.

He was the young Wesley Crusher in Star Trek: The Next Generation, and now he is a man.  A man with a dream.

Remember this guy? Fanpop

What dream, you ask?  A dream that people will stop being a dick for one day of every year.  His birthday.  What day is his birthday?  It’s today of course!

Unsure of what Don’t Be a Dick Day entails?  Helpfully, Wil has created a website to explain it all, but the primary means of instruction is this simple chart,

…which has been created at great time and expense.

It’s unfortunate that we are coming to this so late in the day, but we can’t help but think every day could be Don’t Be a Dick day.

There’s something funny going on in the Metro’s TV listings today>

WATCH: A love letter to Dublin>

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