Dublin: 2 °C Thursday 27 February, 2025

Little girl tries to convince mam she didn't eat a doughnut...with chocolate all over her face

“Ben pushed it into my mouth.”

THIS LITTLE GIRL has failed the first test of a thriving criminal: Successfully getting rid of the evidence.

She was caught red-handed – or chocolate-faced, as the case may be – pinching doughnuts from the kitchen press.

When interrogated, she framed her brother Ben for her misdeeds (he’s sound enough to corroborate her claims). ”Ben ate one and I did not,” she tells her mother. “Ben pushed the doughnut into my mouth.”

A convincing argument, were the evidence not all over her face. Rookie mistake.

Source: Mandy Meaux/YouTube

“I think that is chocolate.” Quelle surprise!


She has a long career in law ahead of her. We can feel it.

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