Dublin: 6 °C Thursday 30 January, 2025

12 of the great drunk texts of 2015

“Where a too”.

1. Please note the time. And the remorse

beans Source: Louise Keegan

2. “Do much to solo sokoto pre”

sok Source: @_abbycarter

3. Lord Alan Sugar, drunk tweeting

4. Drunk texting…. Highland Radio about milking goats

5. We’re all on the wine, to be honest

6. “I think mestop. I post like”

post Source: @sidneywarren

7. Shits for everyone!

shit Source: @kirinjones

8. “When your students drunk email you”


yard Source: @confessionochs

9. Wow. Just… wow

10. She got there eventually


11. The ‘what’ that rang out across the world


11 pictures everyone who drunk texts will find too familiar

11 times drunk you was good to sober you

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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