Dublin: 6 °C Wednesday 5 March, 2025

An Irish student drunkenly applied for his ID using a Snapchat-filtered photo

And he pulled it off.

DAIRE MAC GIOLLA Seathanaigh is a Belfast student currently going to college across the water in Liverpool.

And it’s been an eventful first week for him, as he says on Facebook:

“Jesus Christ I drunkenly applied for my NUS card and it asked for a photo so I picked one with a snapchat filter why did they accept this I can never use it as ID”

daire Source: Daire Shaw Facebook


So until September of 2017, THAT is going to be his face to the bouncers at the Student Bar.

His Facebook story has over 14,000 likes since he stuck it up there last week – and he’s made the papers.

Daire told Metro:

I’d completely forgotten I even did it until I checked my post on my birthday and saw the card.
I’m pretty sure they thought I genuinely looked like that and were too worried to ask any questions. No one from NUS or anything has been in contact with me about it either.

Daire’s mam doesn’t have Facebook, but apparently her boss in work showed it to her this week. Thankfully, she finds the whole thing pretty funny – as does everyone else.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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