THE END OF January is in sight!
We can say goodbye to Jannui and Janxiety and hello to spring (well, hello to slightly warmer rain anyway).
During this time of flux, Ireland on a Friday night is populated by very specific sets of people…
1. Those who got paid and are going out
They’ve been like caged animals all these weeks, mourning the halcyon Christmas days of Curly Wurlys and Baileys for breakfast.
Now, they’re back, and this time it’s personal.
2. Those who got paid and are staying in because it’s still technically Dry January
So strong-willed…. so strong-minded… SO going out next weekend and going on your ear after two pints so don’t be so smug.
3. Those who didn’t get paid and are staying in
To add insult to injury the Graham Norton couch isn’t even that deadly this week.
Look at Thierry Henry there, shoving his hand in our faces. WE KNOW WHAT YOU DID HENRY!
Michael Bolton is on the Late Late though. And Josh Hartnett. The glamour!
4. Those who didn’t get paid but are going out anyway
Because #YOLO!
(But mostly because #Overdraft #CreditCard #MamCanIBorrowTwentyQuid?)
5. Those who have children and never go out
6. Those who are so perpetually broke that they will still be in their overdraft until the end of time