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11 words that just sound better in a Dublin accent


FOR PEOPLE NOT from Dublin living in the capital, the native accent can produce some impromptu poetry just by the locals speaking a regular sentence.

And there are some words that just take it to the next level. Observe:

1. Deadly

maxresdefault Source: Ytimg

The Dub accent conveys both enthusiasm and urgency in equal measure when using deadly. The stronger the accent, the better.

2. Bleedin’

The Moet British Independent Film Awards Source: David Jensen

The g doesn’t just exist at the end. We could listen to it all day.

3. Batter

Fish_and_Chips_Ocean_Foods_Drummoyne Source: Wikimedia

You can hear the dulcet tones of Roddy Doyle’s The Van when “batter burger” is mentioned. Or any other form of batter.

4. Buzz

download (18)

Sounds best when preceded immediately by “deadly” and pronounced “boouozz”

5. Scarlet

SHOWBIZ Bean Boyzone Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

To describe the above.

Sass is implied when uttered by any Dub.

6. Here

Childline Concert BeWitched Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

As in “ah heyyooor”.

7. Jar

U2 Innocence + Experience tour - London Source: David Jensen

8. Mouldy

Commitments-Film-Stills-2 Source: Alanparker


9. Melted

Germany Berlin Film Festival 2015 Nobody Wants the Night press conference Source: Axel Schmidt

Of the head variety.

10. Story

Camp Bestival 2014 - Dorset Source: David Jensen

Elongating the middle portion of story makes it into the go-to one word greeting that non-Dubs are only delighted to hear.

11. Bollix

king Source: RTÉ


More 21 of the most Dublin things that ever happened>

More 19 things that would happen if Friends was set in Dublin>

About the author:

David Elkin

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