Dublin: 4 °C Saturday 1 March, 2025

14 most Dublin Airport things that have ever happened

Shout out to the McDonald’s in Terminal One.

1. This sign


hugecon Source: @aoiph

2. This lost property

While bags, jackets, toys and phones are among the things most often left behind at Dublin Airport, a headstone is also among the items deposited there.

Headstone of Betsey Haskell, died February 6, 1816 (Matinicus Island, ME) Source: takomabibelot

3. This apt gate number

4. This border greeting

sdfsdf Source: Reddit

5. This Dominos delivery



bronte Source: Patrick O'Leary

6. Who sanctioned this?

7. Or this?

8. This lovely card on Christmas eve

card Source: @DublinAirport

9. This Gabriel Byrne gob-lobbing

gabriel_byrne_full_pic-630x419 Source: Dublin Airport Authority

10. Please note the date

11. And this date

12. This travelling flag

merk Source: The42.ie

13. This 5am start

14. This Paddy’s Day sign


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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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