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Dublin Airport received a lovely letter from a customer paying her parking fee nine years late

Better late than never.

cric Source: dublinairport

BACK IN DECEMBER 2008, an unnamed customer was leaving the car park at Dublin Airport following a four-day trip.

The woman in question ran into a problem with payment when leaving so she pressed the help button and a man in car park security let her car through the barrier – with the promise that she would pay the €50 when she got home.

She never got around to paying it, but last Friday – nearly nine years later – Dublin Airport received a cheque for €50, a few boxes of Maltesers as a gift and a letter apologising for the mistake

2008 Source: Dublin Airport

She must have either just remembered the incident now, or had a massive crisis of conscience over that €50. Dublin Airport tells DailyEdge.ie that they have no record of it happening, but they shared the package on Facebook today to say thanks. The visible portion of the letter begins:

I explained my predicament to a very nice gentleman on car park security when I pressed the help button who kindly agreed to allow me to retrieve my car and leave the car park with my child and I promised to make payment in the sum of €50.00 as soon as I got home.
Between one thing and another I never got around to paying your company until now.

She went on to say sorry for the rather long delay:

Please accept my sincere apologies for the late payment.
Please accept the enclosed box of chocolates as a small gesture of thanks for your patience re payment and if you have any way of tracing the gentleman who assisted me on 27.12.2008 please give him a box also and tell him thank you very much for your kindness to me and my young child.

Let’s find that security guard – his day is about to get marginally better with some chocolate.

File Photo: The three men arrested as part of an investigation into an international illegal immigrant smuggling network through Dublin Airport, are appearing in court this morning. Two of those arrested are Aer Lingus employees at the airport. End. Fun fact: Terminal 2 wasn't even built when this incident took place - as it was officially opened in 2010. Source: Laura Hutton

Dublin Airport couldn’t help but admire this woman’s honesty:

We were hugely impressed by her honesty almost nine years after the event. It’s worth noting that in December 2008 Barack Obama was the US president-elect and had not yet started his first term in office.

And there’s going to be a few beneficiaries in the shape of the airport’s nominated charities of the year thanks to her letter:

We’ve long since closed off our accounts for 2008, so we’ve donated her €50 payment to our Charities of the Year fund supporting MS Ireland, Merchants Quay Ireland and My Canine Companion.

Better late that never <3

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About the author:

David Elkin

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