DUBLIN ARTIST PEELO mostly composes portraits of iconic Irish figures – along with legends from pop culture in general.
But his latest work has gone walkabouts – and he’s looking to get it back.
On Friday night, he sold this large painting of Richard Harris in Dublin
As he tells DailyEdge.ie that was only the beginning of the journey:
A friend bought one on Friday night, but his girlfriend managed to lose it on the way home either in a taxi or at Eden Quay.
So he’s pleading for anyone who’s spotted it to let him know:
So if you see anyone with a new huge Richard Harris painting hanging in their house could you ask them if I could have it back.
“It’s not as if it’s a phone or a set of keys or anything, it’s a massive painting of Richard Harris.”
Peelo says that he does the painting in his spare time:
It’s only a hobby and most of the paintings go for charity.
And that the person who lost it is devastated:
She’s fairly heartbroken about it
Hopefully Richard Harris turns up safe and sound soon – if you’ve spotted it, get in touch with him here.