THE CHRISTMAS SEASON is in full swing and Dublin has never looked better.
1. Like, just look at Bretzel Bakery in Portobello
*hears faint sound of sleigh bells*
2. And you don’t even mind how busy it is on Grafton Street on account of how pretty it is
3. Give it up for Dun Laoghaire
4. And the beautiful neon lights in Smithfield Square
5. And sure, Henry Street is looking only gorgeous, too
6. “Nollaig Shona Duit”
7. Temple Bar: greatly enhanced by the addition of wreaths and fairy lights
Is it just us or does it look magical?
8. Look at this dotey window display in Stoneybatter
9. And how about Powerscourt Centre? So elegant and Christmassy.
10. We’d be remiss not to mention the most Christmassy house in Dublin
Located on Bath Avenue, of course.
11. Or indeed Blanchardstown Shopping Centre, which resembles a winter wonderland
12. *hums The Foggy Dew*
13. St. Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre: the most photogenic shopping centre ever
14. Baile Átha Cliath, are you well? Because you’re looking well.