Dublin: 8 °C Thursday 27 February, 2025

This parrot from Tallaght keeps shouting 'oh bollix' at his owners

Charlie has a filthy gob.

char Source: Charlie on Facebook

CHARLIE, THE AFRICAN Grey Parrot from Dublin, is a much-loved pet.

He’s also a potty mouth.

And his favourite saying at the moment is…

Source: DailyEdge.ie/YouTube

Charlie’s owner Tuska adopted him “a few months ago from a guy in Tallaght” and says that he is “slowly losing his Dub accent and doesn’t curse as much”.

She told DailyEdge.ie that while he’s not the most affectionate of pets, he is great company, and that she gave him “a second chance in life” when she adopted him.

As well as the B word, Charlie’s been known to have a go at visitors to the apartment where he lives:

For example he said to an electrician who came to fix a switch “you w**ker”. I nearly died laughing.

Charlie’s other noises include a reversing truck, a fire alarm, and the sound of someone knocking on a door.

Thanks to Charlie’s owner Tuska Choszowska

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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