She’s an 18-month-old baby who’s at the centre of a brilliant little project by her dad Stephen:
“I’ve been photoshopping my kid into marginally dangerous situations. Nothing unbelievable, but enough to make people think ‘Wait, did he..?’”
Yes, the Dublin-based designer is handy on Photoshop – and he’s put Hannah into all sorts of situations that would make you do a double take.
Here she is taking the wheel of the car
And helping out with dinner
The hilarious collection of photos was shared on Reddit last night, and they quickly hit the front page – with millions of views.
Little Hannah is taking over one of the biggest sites in the world.
But the series of photos came about, in part, for a sad reason: to raise awareness of Hannah’s condition. Last year, she was diagnosed with a rare immune disorder called HLH and spent six months of her first year in hospital, requiring a bone marrow transplant.
Since she came out, the family have been taking so many photos of her out and about – and that’s where the idea came about for the Photoshops.
Stephen told that Hannah is doing better now and he’s glad it’s getting such global attention:
I’m delighted it went worldwide if it encourages people to sign up to the register. She’s doing much better now, still some minor issues but nothing compared to last year. She got out of hospital in June last year and has had a few stays since.
And he’s making the most of it
It's been getting a serious amount of media coverage in the last 24 hours, and Stephen told Huh Magazine that there was another key inspiration for the photos:
I thought it would be fun to worry family by putting someone delicate in precarious situations. Most of the reactions have been positive, with the odd person not getting the joke and commenting I "should be shot".
A bit of divilment, then
He's excellently selected situations that aren't too far beyond the realms of possibility
And now the whole world thinks Hannah (and her dad's Photoshop skills) are A+
You can sign up to help Hannah and many others on the registry here.