1. When an adorable new gorilla was welcomed back in July
2. When this baby elephant took its first steps
3. Sadly when Harry the gorilla passed away…
One photographer captured this touching shot of him “kissing goodbye” to the zoo
4. 2016 was the year where this little girl’s reaction to the tigers was seen around the world
5. When Ashanti and Chaka had a baby rhino to add to the herd in August
6. A total of SEVEN African Painted Dogs were welcomed that same month – LOOK
7. The elephants were splashing around adorably in the summer
8. This great photo was taken of little piglets lined up on the ground
9. And this shot of a legend chilling in the sun
10. There was that time a child created this before their visit there
11. This new pack of wolves joined the zoo back in March
12. It’s a year when Austin pulled off the best smile
13. Look at this orangutan celebrating a successful climb