1. The Obama-esque motivational speech given out by the parking machines
2. The well known Dundrum Shopping Centre Thought For The Week
3. Which gives out some stellar philosophical advice
4. Remember when someone discarded a horse riding hat
5. And Shane Ross looked like he was advertising laser teeth whitening
6. A flock of Santas working out in the main square is standard at this time of year
7. And conversations like this keep you entertained
8. These lads all wearing the exact same shoes also provide ample entertainment
9. Even the mannequins are at it as well
10. When this flashmob treated everyone to a rousing chorus of Hallelujah
11. And the most Dumdrum bells were spotted on sale
12. The lifts help you out in ways you never expected from a shopping centre
13. And finally… these “designer” 3D glasses that you definitely need for the cinema
Pure Dumdrum.