WITH THE ROSE of Tralee, we’re never short of oddities to mull over. The hip hop dancing Rose. That Rose’s mam kicking the dog. The other Rose that ate four teacakes at once.
But tonight, it may have reached a new level of strange.
(If you weren’t watching, you can catch up on the night’s festivities on our recap here.)
The Melbourne Rose, Joy Kerrigan, brought with her a very interesting talent – dung spitting. Yes, you read that right.
Here she is posing all lovely with her escort before the show:
And here she is spitting dung with Dáithí Ó Sé onstage.
But allow us to explain.
Kerrigan is originally from South Africa, where dung spitting is an actual sport practised by the Afrikaner community. You quite literally chew up the dung and spit it out, and whoever gets it the farthest, wins.
In this clip, you can actually hear some audience members groaning as they contemplate chewing and spitting dung:
Dáithí later confirmed the ‘dung’ in question was chocolate (this time), but that didn’t stop everyone at home being highly distressed that spitting is now a genuine Rose of Tralee talent.
They stopped just short of crying “But it’s not LADYLIKE”, thankfully.
Can we just say that we’d prefer to see every Rose spitting dung than hear another poem? Please. Save us from the poems.