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Irish man discovers secret 'dungeon' under his apartment floor

What lies beneath…

AN IRISH MAN who moved into a new apartment in Leamington Spa got more than he bargained for in the lease when he discovered something beneath the floorboards.

In a series of images posted to Reddit, he’s documented the discovery of a kind of dungeon beneath his new flat in the UK.

He begins with a guided tour…

Nice functional sitting room

zB7s9zc - Imgur Hang on... what's this?

qQiJybv - Imgur Looks like a hatch. This wasn't in the lease.

hangon Hang on a second...

They climb down the stairs and…

dung1 We have a dungeon!...

The adventurer grabbed a friend and started to explore…

dung2 There is a proper 19th century layout of corridors and hatches beneath.

dung3 Beautiful vaulted ceiling...

graf Random graffiti. People have been here this decade

It’s assumed by Redditors and the renter himself that the graffiti stands for Coventry City Football Club. Leamington Spa is quite near Coventry.

bed Curious shape in the corner. Bed, or crypt. It'll make a good seat for a potential home cinema, or else for a dungeon party.

You can see the full set of photos here.

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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