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12 times Dylan Moran was really f**king funny

<3 u, Dylan.

1. On flirting

tumblr_o8m4c5C5RK1up90gpo1_1280 Source: Tumblr

2.  On getting old

567115097ac405a46a84ef641c2d7069 Source: Jarofquotes

3. On love


Bake me a cake or go away.

A life philosophy if we ever heard one.

4. On dance music

Source: Doricka11/YouTube

5. On relationships

a788572b380c0fd06d755fc15f46b084 Source: Pinterest

6. On British imperialism

british Source: pouahhh.tumblr.com

7. On drinking wine

Source: chodorowicz/YouTube

8. A quote that can be applied to people, in general

tumblr_nyg0hm40U21um6tzpo1_500 Source: Tumblr

9. On being an adult

adults Source: rudywades.co.vu

You’re just a tall child holding a beer, having a conversation you don’t understand.

10. On skiing

tumblr_nbap3f7HcB1rj330qo1_500 Source: Tumblr

11. On those bullshit breakup lines

tumblr_nyutg3a8Ip1rg5dd5o1_540 Source: Tumblr

tumblr_nyutg3a8Ip1rg5dd5o2_540 Source: Tumblr

12. And the time nailed the idea of ‘Irish Hair’

With Irish people… you see this all around the world, and you can go anywhere – Los Angeles, or Seoul, or Tokyo, or Minsk… You see Irish guys and you KNOW they’re Irish, because of a phenomenon called Irish hair. And it looks like this:

dylanmoran Source: YouTube

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