THE EARLY NOUGHTIES were a very interesting time.
We were rich, for one thing, and spent a lot of time enjoying our new-found wealth.
When we weren’t having fun with our new mobile phones (they can take PICTURES) and listening to the latest Britney Spears offering, we were setting up Bebo pages and chatting with friends on MSN.
Here are some pictures that will take you right back to those days.
This picture of Britney Spears holding a toy robot dog
These display pictures you probably used when talking to your friends on MSN
These ladies sporting the height of early ’00s fashion
But you were more likely to be sporting the items of clothing in this photo:
This picture of Bertie Ahern having a chat with George W. Bush in 2001
These two lovebirds
This photo of the original frenemies, in better times
These photos of the phone you had, and the phone you wanted
This photo of Eminem performing with a load of lads dressed like Eminem
And this picture of a guy switching from the punt to the Euro