IT IS EASTER Sunday, the day in which we Catholics celebrate the resurrection of Christ by massacring chocolate rabbits and eggs.
Listen, who are any of us to judge?
There’s huge excitement in households with children especially, as they’re buzzing to find out what a large, potentially imaginary rabbit brought them as a reward for keeping their Lenten promise.
But is it similar to Christmas, in that getting up during the wee hours is completely and utterly necessary?
Broadcaster Jonathan Healy put the question to his followers on Twitter.
Up like a lark, that Jonathan fella.
Dáithi Ó’Sé got up at a similar time.
Others got an even earlier start …
… And others were confused as to why their morning chocolate eating ritual should be restricted to Easter Sunday.
Honestly, fair. Chocolate is for life, not just for Easter.
With that all said – have you eaten chocolate already this morning?