Source: Joel Kramer
IT’S EASTER SUNDAY, and people all over the world are celebrating the occasion in its true spirit.
Behold the masses:
Source: stephanie grey/Twitter
Source: liv/Twitterbarf I've had too much chocolate already
— livvy (@livvycraigg) April 20, 2014
Source: Olivia VandePol/TwitterIta not even 9 yet and ive already eating enough chocolate to make me wanna puke
— Liversss (@OjoRocks) April 20, 2014
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Source: Claire Ledsom/Twitter
Source: Laura Baker/Twitter
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Source: Makayla/Twitter
Source: Andrew Farnsworth/TwitterThe first casualty of #Easter is the carpet...the youngest has just barfed chocolate vomit, everywhere! #Cadburys
— Andrew Farnsworth (@Farniboy29) April 20, 2014
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Source: Alison VDB/Twitter
Source: ✿ gem ✿/TwitterI've ate too much chocolate already ugh gonna heave
— gem (@letiitland) April 20, 2014
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Source: James Roe/TwitterAte one Easter egg and I feel sick.
— James 🏴 (@JamesRoey) April 20, 2014
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Source: Lauren Ogden/TwitterWhy did I stuff a whole egg in my face. Sick. But want more choc.
— Laurie Ogden (@ogdenlaurie) April 20, 2014
Source: HOLLIE/Twitteri ate half an easter egg and i feel like im gonna puke. damn hollie youre such a lightweight
— hollie🩸 (@wiIdeyedjoker) April 20, 2014
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Source: becca/TwitterI ate too much chocolate but guess what?? I don't care!! I'll keep going until i get sick
— ✨rebecca✨ (@beccasinterlude) April 20, 2014
Source: Gayle M./TwitterI ate too much chocolate in one sitting. I'm gonna puke.
— Gayle M. (@gaylesjm) April 20, 2014
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Source: jas ☯/TwitterI've only eaten half an easter egg & I feel v v sick
— jasmine ♡ (@lxnadelrey) April 20, 2014
Source: uosʇɐʍ xɐɯ/Twitter
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Source: lynne mcguigan/TwitterI just ate my whole Easter egg in one sitting. #barf #child my tummy hurts.
— lynne mcguigan (@lynneylooloo) April 20, 2014
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Source: Hannah Swan/TwitterJust ate a choc bunny and now I feel sick #mustbegettingold
— Hannah Swan (@britkiwi13) April 19, 2014
Source: Suszi Fenton/Twitterif I eat any more chocolate I will spew
— Suszi Fenton (@suszi_fenton) April 20, 2014
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Source: Amelia Saunders/Twitter
Source: Just Sage../TwitterWhat even is the point of easter if you don't eat so much chocolate that you puke?
— Sage..Ess,ay,jee,ee (@Sagiie_Snoeks) April 20, 2014
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Source: Brian Marion/Twitteri just woke up and ate a whole chocolate bunny #barf
— Brianna (@bree_luna_) April 20, 2014
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Source: Tiffany Rachel/TwitterSome kid just vomited up a stomach full of chocolate all over the floor while waiting in line at #ServiceOntario #HappyEaster
— Tiffany Rachel (@tiffanyrachel14) April 19, 2014