EATING DINNER ON your own is something that we all do from time to time. Hell, some of us do it practically all the time.
It’s a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. Here are the arguments:
GOOD: You can cook exactly what you want
BAD: You definitely won’t make the effort
GOOD: You don’t have to make conversation
BAD: You may end up talking to yourself
GOOD: You can ditch all those stupid manners
BAD: It’s easy to get used to this
GOOD: Dinner can be literally whatever you like
BAD: This can be a negative in the long run
GOOD: You can play with your food
BAD: This can be awkward if someone turns up at the wrong moment
GOOD: If you have a pet, you are never alone for dinner
BAD: If you have a pet, you are never alone for dinner
What do you think? Is eating dinner on your own good or bad?