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Ed Sheeran has revealed the REAL reason he was laughing at the VS fashion show... it's the Dredge

Dirt dirt, get your dirt.

EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the best of the day’s celebrity dirt from the top to the very bottom.

Ariana Grande told Ed Sheeran that she loves ‘big black balls’. Ahem.

Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2014 - London Source: Doug Peters

Sheeran told US radio host Elvis Duran that he looked so happy in the photos from the Victoria’s Secret fashion show because Grande made the big revelation that she was fond of some massive balls.

Can I tell you why I was laughing? Basically there were all these big inflatable bouncy black balls that are bouncing around in the crowd on the finale bit, and Ariana Grande comes up and stands up next to me, and she just looks at me and goes, I love big black balls.

Oh dear.

According to Gossip Cop, Ed went on to say “In my head I was like, If she knows what that means then I love her, and if she doesn’t know what that means, it’s even better!”

Kim Kardashian says her pregnancy weight gain was down to God ‘teaching her a lesson’. Kim, who gained four stone while carrying baby North, told Elle magazine that she’s stopped being so concerned about her appearance all the time.

kimkardashian032013 Source: Kim K

I’d think God was doing this for a reason. He was saying: ‘Kim, you think you’re so hot, but look what I can do to you.’ My body just went crazy. After five months I swore I’d never get pregnant again. I got so huge and it felt like someone had taken over my body.

Lorde has admitted that she likes to look through people’s bins. Not just for the craic though, she likes to recycle old stuff she finds.

airports got me like Source: lordemusic

The singer said it’s a hobby of hers despite getting recognised all the time.

I’m boring because my favourite thing to do is trawl the inorganics. It stays on the street for a few days and then it’s collected and put into a landfill somewhere. But people drive around and go through other people’s household rubbish.

Alrighty then.

And the rest of the day’s dirt…

  • Eh, WHAT is going on with Jenna Dewan’s face mask? (Daily Mail)
  • George Clooney booked tickets to a Panto in London. He’s JUST LIKE US (Contact Music)
  • Former X Factor winner Steve Brookstein says he was seduced by Simon Cowell’s exes… (Daily Mail)
  • Beyonce paid for Solange’s honeymoon. What a sister (Huffington Post)

Yesterday’s Dredge: Here is James Franco and Seth Rogen’s naked Christmas card…>

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