JANUARY IS THE month of paying it forward.
Between all the random acts of kindness we have planned for our friends and family, our colleagues might fall by the wayside. But, actually, these are the people we spend the most time with. It’s worth spreading a little love in work.
(Psst… Don’t work in an office? Don’t worry, lots of these can be done anywhere.)
1. Vend it like Beckham
Got a vending machine in your place of work? One simple way to share good vibes is to leave some coins behind after you use it. You know the feeling when the vending machine gives you two bars instead of one? You’re basically responsible for someone getting that feeling. Magic.
2. #boost
Compliment someone to their boss. This is one act of kindness that doesn’t just have to be performed in the workplace – it’s also easily done if you are out of work, or work from home. You can compliment someone to their boss no matter where or who you are – tell the café manager that your waiter was great, or tell the shop supervisor that your sales assistant was brill. Ah, go on.
3. You look great today! Yes, you
Speaking of compliments, why not print this out and leave it in the break room?
4. Helping hand
This one sounds commonplace, but you’d be amazed at the amount of people who let it slip by them. (And, besides, sometimes even the smallest gesture is enough.) If you’re leaving to go somewhere or get something, ask everyone around you if there’s something they need outside. Save them the bother, and only cost yourself a few minutes, max.
5. Talk talk
Talk to someone new in the office – someone you’ve never spoken to before. Workplaces are a much nicer environment when everyone is friendly. Think the person doesn’t want to be bothered? Well, they might be thinking the exact same thing about you.
6. Weather the storm
Keep a spare umbrella under your desk or in your locker at work – and offer it to someone when it’s lashing rain outside. They’ll stay dry, and you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
7. Tea: curer of all ills
Is it your turn to do the round of tea or run to get coffee? Or does this not happen at work for you? Why not get it going? Everyone’s a winner. (Stocking the canteen with nice biscuits today is also highly encouraged.)
Electric Ireland’s Powering Kindness is underway all this week so we’re asking you to do a good deed or act of kindness – and we will transform it into €130,000 for Childline, the Irish Heart Foundation and the Marie Keating Foundation. Join in now at poweringkindness.ie.