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How Much Of An Electric Picnic Wimp Are You?

Hardcore or not? Find out.

wimpcover Source: flickr

Have you ever complained about the mud?
Well yeah a bit, obviously
Nah, I knew what I was in for

I give out about it all the time
I'd have a bit of a moan when I'm hungover
Have you ever skipped the queue for the jacks?
I have done that
No, never
How will you be staying at this year's festival?

I'm staying in a hotel nearby
I'm just going along for one day
Have you ever returned to your tent mid-set to get yourself a coat?
Oh yes, it was necessary
What? No. Once I'm out, I'm out.
Choose yourself a hat for the occasion...
The hood of my hoodie is good for me
Something warm and retro

None for me, a tshirt is grand
This. Always this.
Your reaction to somebody whipping out an acoustic guitar at 2am outside your tent would be...
"Great, Wonderwall!"
"Would you ever shut the f*** up, I'm trying to sleep here."

"This is serious craic!"
You're fast asleep, so it's no bother.
And finally... what time will you be cruising to be bed, on average, each night?
Around midnight will do
After 2am, no doubt

Between 4am and 6am
Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
You a complete festival wimp!
Everyone still loves you being there and all, but you might be seen as the opposite of hardcore.
Share your result:
You scored out of !
You're a bit of a wimp, to be fair
Not the worst, but certainly not the most hardcore festival goer that the Picnic will see. Sure listen, things could be worse. You probably love the fact that you're not camping.
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You scored out of !
You're not really a wimp at all
You're hardcore, it's true. You don't care about the camping or the inevitable rain. You're a trooper.
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You scored out of !
You are the opposite of a festival wimp
You keep the party going. You don't get cold. You are the hero everyone needs.
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About the author:

David Elkin

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