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Electric Picnic Night One in tweets from Stradbally

A good time was definitely had by all.

4/9/2015. Electric Picnic Music Festivals Source: Sam Boal

ELECTRIC PICNIC 2015 got into full swing on Friday, and it was certainly an eventful first night:

For some at their first picnic, it was all too much early on

“My 1st Electric Picnic.”


The weather stayed nice for the evening, anyway

And all the regular Electric Picnic problems were there to be enjoyed

The tents are looking good more notiony by the year

And the pets could keep anyone’s spirits up

Ham Sandwich were rapturously received on the main stage

While other ham sandwiches were devoured elsewhere

The #EPathome hashtag had its day in the sun yesterday.

The same advice could be heard everywhere you go on site

Which is always sound.

This shot summed up Lisa O’Neill’s set at the Other Voices tent

While there was a big turn out for The Coronas

And every former J1er there wailed this tune out

Body and Soul was looking and sounding well

And the toilet roll was of a surprisingly high standard

Some of the tents were nicely decorated

People had to sacrifice a lot to be there

Grace Jones was one of the most impressive acts

But the smaller stages were also buzzing

And Underworld closed the evening with, eh, memorable aplomb

It didn’t look too shabby from this viewpoint

And in amongst the people, it was all going on

Now for the next two nights.

More 21 hilarious ways Twitter suggests you can experience #EPathome>

More How Much Of An Electric Picnic Wimp Are You?>

About the author:

David Elkin

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