UPDATE 7pm: In a statement, Ticketmaster have told DailyEdge.ie:
An email will be released to all previous customers in the near future. Also, Ticketmaster will be in a better position tomorrow once festival organisers have released all relevant information.
Meanwhile Ticketmaster account holders who’ve been to Electric Picnic before have been issued with codes via email which will enable them to purchase discounted tickets on Saturday morning.
The email also contains details about how to provide additional proof of attendance to Ticketmaster.
UPDATE 4.30pm: This is the latest information provided by the Electric Picnic Facebook Page.
UPDATE 3.30pm The information below was provided by Ticketmaster earlier Wednesday. However, they now say that more detailed information will be provided to account holders via email later today or tomorrow.
TICKETS FOR ELECTRIC Picnic 2013 go on sale this Saturday morning at 9am.
With the line up due to be announced tomorrow evening (we’re hearing strong Bjork rumours) it’s likely there’ll be a stampede for discounted tickets priced at €149.50 and €169.50.
But, there’s a catch.
In order to qualify for the sub-€150 passes, you have to prove that you have attended the Stradbally festival at least three times before, and to buy the €169 tickets you must prove that you have been once before. And before you can buy those discounted tickets you need a code from Ticketmaster.
“How do I get this code?!”, we hear you ask. The Electric Picnic website (not very helpfully) suggests that “Ticketmaster should be able to help provide fans with proof”.
The Facebook page* offers some more information, informing potential festival go-ers that:
There are lots of ways you can prove you’re a true Picnic-er… a combination of wristbands, tickets, email addresses from previous bookings, bank statements, official merchandise.
Pictures, wristbands, ticket stubs, programmes, tshirts** – they all count. If you have a combination of any of these plus a past ticket booking code then Ticketmaster will send you a code you can use once tickets are on sale.
*Note that this appears to be a new Facebook page for this year’s event. The older page has been out of action since January.
** The Electric Picnic Facebook page has now added more ways to prove past attendance:
Okay, but where do you go with that information before Saturday’s 9am ticket release?
Ticketmaster told DailyEdge.ie that if you call their customer service line (0818 903 001 – it’s understood that this will be replaced with a dedicated line from tomorrow morning) and provide them with your account details they can tell you how many Electric Picnic purchases are in your transaction history.
You can’t check this information yourself online because according to Ticketmaster:
After 30 days from the event date, receipt and order details for your transaction are no longer available online.
So say you contact Ticketmaster and they tell you they have a record of you purchasing tickets for Electric Picnic on one or two separate occasions… that means you qualify for the €169.50 tickets and they will send you a code in advance of the sale on Saturday.
But hang on, you’ve been to Electric Picnic four times, or six times, but your friends bought your tickets some years, or you paid in cash… what then?
Never fear, you can take pictures or scans of evidence that you’ve attended three or more times – wristbands, ticket stubs, bank statements, email confirmations etc, and send the pictures to Ticketmaster.
There’s no email address provided (yet), but you can submit your pictures via the Ticketmaster website. You go to the ‘Help’ section, and click on the ‘Ask a Question’ tab, which will then allow you to submit your information and attach the pictures.
The discounted tickets will be available, subject to availability, between 27 April and 27 May. If you’ve never been to Electric Picnic before, or you can’t prove you have, you can avail of €189.50 tickets until 28 July, and after that tickets will cost €229.50.
Got all that?
Here’s another quick run down:
- Contact Ticketmaster to see how many transactions they have a record of
- Send additional proof if needed to Ticketmaster
- Wait for them to send you a code