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Ellen united Missy Elliott with her viral 'funky white sister' and it was pretty wholesome
BACK IN AUGUST, Missy Elliott discovered a video of a woman named Mary Halsey performing her hit song ‘Work It’ at a BBQ.
If you’re familiar with the song ‘Work It’, you probably know that it’s pretty impossible to sing because some of the lyrics are words spelled backwards. Despite that, Mary gave it her all, while holding some kind of animals horn and it made for some entertaining viewing.
Missy Elliott shared the video to Twitter, and wrote:
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Mary’s performance went down a hit with Missy Elliott’s followers, who called her an ‘icon’ for singing the backwards lyrics.
So, Ellen Degeneres did what Ellen Degeneres does, and got Mary Halsey onto her show.
Mary revealed that this has been her go-to karaoke song for the last fifteen years and has been calling herself Missy Elliott’s ‘funky white sister’ for a decade and a half. Ellen asked Mary to perform the song, and halfway through, Missy Elliott decided to join her as a surprise.
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