REMEMBER WHEN YOU used to spend all your time liking ‘gas’ pages on Facebook?
Pages that said to the world, “I’m an absolute madzer and I don’t care who knows it!”
Last week, I decided to take a gander at my likes for the first time in years and it turns out I have liked a lot of mortifying stuff over the years.
1. “What’s a good page that illustrates the fact that I no longer live with my parents and hate adult responsibility?”
Oh, I know:
2. 2010; the year I felt so inconvenienced by the five-minute walk from the Henry Grattan Building to DCU Library that I felt compelled to like this page.
In fairness to the Facebook page, they suggest some other alternatives to the proposed “travelator”. Like a subway or an underground tram.
Top quality stuff here.
3. More highly relatable content here.
That awkward feeling, am I right?!?!
4. Fun fact: if you are Irish and don’t like at least one Father Ted-related page on Facebook, the state can revoke your citizenship.
In my case, I decided to ‘like’ Kicking Bishop Brennan up the Arse.
I don’t regret my decision.
5. When I was so incensed by ads for a stain remover that I liked this page.
“This way nobody will question my stance on Vanish Oxi Action.”
6. The time I saw one too many Friend of the Day posts and lost the rag.
*smashes plate*
7. I would like to take this opportunity to personally apologise to Beyoncé and Jay-Z for liking this page.
I was young and naive. I’m sorry.
8. Why did I feel the need to ‘like’ this phrase? In fact, why did over 33,000 people like this?
9. Ahem.
10. Definitely liked this page when I was still young enough to get buzzed from a single can of cider
11. ~ R a n d o m ~
12. Of every page about The Man Who Slipped on RTÉ News, I had to go and like the one with the most lukewarm take.
“Hate to be him” — Great take, Amy.
13. Not gonna lie — I still stand by this one.
On a related note, I sincerely hope that Adam got the shift off the love of his life when he shared this on the Walking in the bicycle lane because you’re a ride wall.
14. Pls.
15. My favourite hobby.
I’m not sure what’s worse about this: that I liked a page that misspelled “bants” or that there was a time where I wanted “banter/bants” to be part of my Facebook identity.
Also please note that just three people like this page, one of whom is a person I went to primary school with.
16. I like to think that my liking this page is what led to the ill-fated TV3 version of this show.
17. Do you get it? We share the same name.
Sure, amn’t I gas?
FYI: she did not get elected. But at least she fought the good fight, right?
18. And finally… the most Irish Facebook page of all time
Over 75,000 people liked this page and we’re still none the wiser as to how Robert fared in his Leaving Cert.
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