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The 14 hardest little things about leaving Ireland

No matter how you go, it’s not easy. Here’s the worst of it.

SOME PEOPLE LEAVE Ireland by choice. Some people don’t have that luxury.

But whichever way you go, there are certain things that are tricky.

1. Your accent and slang suddenly being weird

2. Goodbyes at Dublin Airport

The absolute worst.

tumblr_lkeddwn0B31qbdijyo1_500 Source: Tumblr

3. The sense of humour, or lack thereof

It’s just not the same in other countries.

ah-stop-lad-e1375191039257-588x500 Source: Facebook

4. No decent batch bread

How difficult can it be, dammit?

Batch Loaf White Sliced | McCloskey's Bakery Source: Mccloskeysbakery

5. In fact, not being able to get comfort food in general

It’s all fine until you’re hungover or sick and feeling vulnerable. THAT’S when you just want a chicken fillet roll and a Lucozade, fer Chrissakes.

examining a fried chicken sandwich 2 Source: stevendamron

And let’s not even talk about black pudding and Tayto.

6. Not running into people on the street any more

At home, it wrecks your head. Away, you’d miss it.

crowd Source: James Cridland

7. Missing your family

No matter how much they wreck your head, it’s tough not to be around them. Especially the older ones who might not be so savvy about Skype.

Source: espo633

8. Big events back home

When you just KNOW everyone’s going to be getting together and having the best craic ever.

All-Ireland Football Final 2008: Tyrone win! Source: clavel9

9. ‘Bars’ not being a patch on pubs

In particular, there is no equivalent of the snug out forr’n. Not anywhere.

Snug Source: garryknight

10. Trashy corn snack deficiency

The crippling lack of proper pickled onion flavour corn snacks with a million E-numbers in them.

Meanies_HP Source: Robert-roberts

11. People not texting for some reason

In other countries, people just don’t text for the craic in the same way. What’s with that?

12. The new hell of going to the pharmacy

Not the discreet experience you’d get at home. No sir.

13. Getting news, and not being at home to share it with people

Source: Jhaymesisviphotography

14. And finally, no decent telly

By which we mean, no telly to plonk yourself in front of and switch off your brain because it’s so familiar.

Source: oisin2012

BUT there is one thing about moving away.

Other than the good weather…

Blue sky 1 Source: Fabio Marini

And the new experiences…

Bondi Source: Ernst Moeksis

 … which is that if you can make it…

Four S on my boarding pass Source: gabrielsaldana

… it’s GREAT to visit home.

airplane Source: Hugh O'Connell


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Source: Pretty/Ugly Design

Tea and biscuit Source: lisibo

18 things every Dubliner knows for sure>

29 things you’ll only find funny if you’re Irish>

26 photos that sum up Ireland perfectly>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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