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8 emotional moments all football agnostics will experience today

It’s gonna be a tough one.

THE FOOTBALL IS back. The Premier League kicked off today and it’s excellent news for everyone who likes and understands football. But those that don’t? It’s gonna be a long few months.

1. You’re already at the end of your tether looking at Fantasy Football codes

The office, social media, on television, your WhatsApp group, on a little note under your pillow… people are leaving codes everywhere, inviting you to join.

png22 Source: Fantasyfootball247


2. Get this in your ears, you’ll be hearing a lot of it

Source: maxpoweresp/YouTube

3. Your OH will be tied up on Saturdays for the next nine months

Your football-enthusiast girlfriend or boyfriend will write off Saturdays to watch the football. It’s better off this way, don’t be in their company while they’ve got their nose in a phone checking results.

4. Social media is also off bounds

What’s even the deal with most of these trending topics?


Australia is playing New Zealand? Oh wait that’s rugby? #COYS = Tottenham… now how does that work? Ooooh, Spurs. Well that makes sense.


5. When something actually happens, you’ve to give up altogether


tumblr_m3dgucPylC1r1wdpvo1_500 Source: i

6. It seems like there’s no end in sight


7. Forget trying to understand football fanatics having conversations around you

Um yeah, we agree.

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8. And focus on picking up the pieces

Their team lost and now they’re in a fouler. Be gentle, this too shall pass.


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