Dublin: 4 °C Sunday 16 March, 2025

Enda Kenny made a balls of tagging a whole country on Facebook

Sorry Mozambique.

WE’VE ALL BEEN there right?

Tagged the wrong person on Facebook in an embarrassing slip of the hand, and then frantically scrambled to untag, hoping they won’t notice?

Well Enda Kenny’s* gone and done that, only instead of tagging the wrong person he’s tagged the a whole country incorrectly.

The Taoiseach met with the president of Mozambique yesterday, but tagged a restaurant called Mozambique in Laguna Beach, California instead. And the offending tag is still there.

mozam Source: Enda Kenny Facebook Page

enda Source: Enda Kenny Facebook Page

Head in Hands Source: Wikimedia

*Well, the people who look after his Facebook page 

Enda Kenny dad-dances to Happy with some teenagers>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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