Dublin: 10 °C Friday 7 March, 2025

UK's railway authority mortifies customers with escalator fails compilation

Such a betrayal.

EVER TAKEN A spill on an escalator or gone on your snot on the moving staircase and hoped that nobody really noticed?

Of course they noticed? They watched the CCTV footage 173 times while helplessly laughing and thought about putting it on YouTube.

Now the UK’s railway authority Network Rail has compiled a selection of people going on their ear on the escalators and put it on YouTube.

They’re making people aware of the dangers associated with escalators, including carrying too much luggage, rushing, or wearing high heels…

Source: Network Rail

We like the way that first guy just accepts his fate and goes with the flow:


LOLing aside, according to Network Rail 418 people were injured on their escalators last year. Something to keep in mind next time you’re pegging for a train.

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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