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EU commissioner: 'I'm wearing Chanel No.5 and nothing else'

The EU commissioner for the digital agenda, Neelie Kroes, has been doing a live Q&A on Twitter. It’s been rowdy.

HERE’S A BRIEF ONE to show that Eurocrats aren’t always as dull as you might perceive.

The European Union’s commissioner for the digital agenda, the Netherlands’ Neelie Kroes, has been having a live Twitter Q&A, taking questions submitted with the #AskNeelie hashtag and answering them on her own account.

Most of the questions have been interesting, though relatively mundane – among the missives have been questions on whether e-books should be taxed differently to print editions, should Europe invest in cloud computing itself, and so on.

In the middle came one question, apparently deviating from the usual format, from the user @marcinisco (who, oddly enough, appears not to exist) – evidently asking, ‘what are you wearing’?

Quote Kroes’ response:

@marcinisco What am I wearing? Would u believe if I say Chanel number 5 and nothing else? #AskNeelie

The Q&A session – which is now touching on ACTA – continues at her Twitter page.

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About the author:

Gavan Reilly

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