WELL, LAST NIGHT, something happened that none of us could have forecast. Evelyn Cusack became this year’s Ed Sheeran.
Here’s the moment she surprised weather fan Johnny from Ennis
No, yeah, that really happened.
In fairness, LOOK at this kid’s face.
But the reason why she is the TRUE greatest weather presenter is her subtle but admirable shade
When she reminded kids that they had school in the morning, inciting fear all across the land
When she reminded you that Santa has to face this bullshit weather to get your presents to you
When she was just SO DONE at Bloom when the news link died
When she didn’t give a donkey about the bad news she was breaking to you
When she showed she’s down with the kids
Take that, Jean Byrne.
That time she figured you were crap at Geography
And when she made it quite clear that she was not a wizard
OK OK, we get it
We are not worthy of your shade, Evs.