1. iPhone cables
Too short, too fragile. Too many broken hearts.
2. Zips that won’t zip
We live in a civilised 21st century society. Can’t we put on a dress or a coat without becoming incandescent with rage over a stuck zip?
3. Complicated microwave instructions
Please, we just need a soup button, a chops button, and an everything else button. Please.
4. The UPC/Virgin Media Horizon box
Designed by Satan himself.
5. Muffins sticking to the wrapper
Having to grate most of your muffin off the paper like some kind of animal. Was it for this?…
6. Pistachio nuts that won’t open
Why indeed?
7. Trying to insert USB connectors correctly first time
If you manage to slot it in perfectly on the first go then you are clearly a witch.
8. Getting splattered with yoghurt when you open the lid
Such a bittersweet moment: delicious yoghurt, yet your face/top/dignity is spattered. Why yoghurt? Why?
This is, of course, the dream scenario:
9. Mercy, please