Dublin: 4 °C Tuesday 18 March, 2025

Here's why you shouldn't feel bad about always going for the cheapest wine

Be gone, wine snobs.

Image: Blyzz

REJOICE, THOSE OF you who pick the cheapest wine at the highest volume in the supermarket.

This video by Vox goes a slight way in proving that the price of wine doesn’t necessarily indicate better taste. Unless you consider yourself a trained wine connoisseur, chances are you won’t be able to tell the difference between a fancy €39 bottle with a €7 one.

Vox asked their staff to staff to taste three wines, and found that they rated the most expensive Cabernet Sauvignon the exact same as the cheapest.

What’s more, when professional wine judges were given the same wine on 10 different rounds, the majority of them continued to rate it differently every time. Those told they were drinking an expensive wine tended to rate it higher, and vice versa.

Source: Vox/YouTube

So now.

Feel guilty, no longer.

UMJviOh Source: Imgur

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